
Cubbington Parish Council comprises twelve Councillors who meet in the Village Hall, Broadway on the second Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm except in April and August when they do not meet. Their main areas of responsibility are:

  • maintaining the recreation ground off Broadway and the children’s play area in Austen Court;
  • the provision and maintenance of play equipment;
  • being consulted by Warwick District Council on planning applications, the Local Plan, conservation areas etc.;
  • the provision of the Village Hall and the Community Pavilion. (These are run on a day-to-day basis by management committees made up of members of the local community.);
  • maintaining parts of the roadside verges along Windmill Hill and Church Lane;
  • providing and maintaining the public seats, notice boards and bus shelters;
  • recommending toWarwickshire County Council actions to be taken to help improve road safetyand maintenance of roads and pavements; and
  • considering issues affecting public safety and referring to the police issues affecting crime and disorder.

The Parish Council are also actively involved in representing the local community on issues that arise such as bus services, the high speed rail proposals and major planning issues.