
In order to make the most of all the learning opportunities and make good progress, it is vitally important that your child arrives on time and attends school every day unless there are exceptional circumstances. Our school is dedicated to the education of all our pupils and believes regular attendance through the year is essential to every child’s success and fulfilment.

We do however understand that there are occasions where children are ill and cannot attend school. If your child is unwell and cannot attend please phone school on 01926 422967 by 9.15am.

The attendance and punctuality of all our children are monitored closely by school, the Local Authority and OFSTED. Attendance registers are sent electronically to the Local Authority each week and the family of a child whose attendance is below a certain threshold will be contacted by the Attendance and Compliance Service.

The law states that Headteachers must not grant any leave of absence in term time except in exceptional circumstances. The regulations do not specify the circumstances that are considered to be exceptional. Leave of Absence requests are therefore considered on a case by case basis and it is for the Headteacher to decide whether the circumstances given are exceptional. If you need any further information regarding this please contact the School Office who will be happy to help.

Copies of our Attendance Policy are on the School website or you can request a copy from the school.